Sunday, February 11, 2007

elegant built-in nail art acrylic nail

to : elegant ladies
a set of elegant acrylic nail with built-in white nail art inside that suit to wear to work and socialize at the same time
only RM200
From: Cassandra

vogue pink leopard print

to : young and vogue girl

chrome pink as base plus the cool pink leopard print on top outline with silver and gold dust

only RM25

From: Cassandra

Monday, January 08, 2007

elegant ~

well ..i call this elegant ! :>

happy pink with 3D nail art, shinning rhine stone at each, as the heart of flower!!

only RM50 i set !

sophisticated VS simplicity

every art work is my "baby"... but i just have to tell this, i really love this one! particularly this one... is appeal really simple that the nail art is built inside, the top is just sleek.. and you dont even need to worry about scratching it.. but.. BUT, the process of working it out is pretty tough..

worthy stll isn't it ?

arylic nail in pink shimmering, with pink and red 3d nail art built inside, complete the set perfectly with cute little white circle around those graceful hearts! only cost RM100 during promotion period.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

another spledid job ~.^

as sweet as girl like you ~ yes, you !! :D

it only cost RM100 for one whole set !!

Light Purple Dazzling acrylic nail, with Ribbon or Heart 3D nail art as well as sparkling rhine stones on each nail!!!

Nail Art goes perfectly cool for male too!!

Think you are totally straight and opposite from female ?

well.. male out there, if you are fashionable enought, nail art can be cool for you too !!

is only cost RM22.80 !!!!

Did this on a 18 years old male breakdance dancer hand ! ~ Zebra Strips with black Rhine Stones!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Work

~My Splendid work~

stretch my back with satisfaction after few hours of hard work.

This is Arylic Nail, French nail art with glitter and Rhine Stones.

Only cost RM91 on promotion period!

my *splen-did endeavor on my own hand~

my *splen-did endeavor on my own hand~
acrylic nail in shimmering purple!

i call this splendid ~.~

i call this splendid ~.~
the English Tea House - up on hills, steping on the green green grass n a far long sight of the ocean ~ and breath~